>>Structured Networks

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                       Structured Networks 



                                 active network equipments:


                                                              ->SMCInele pentru erectie                                                                


                                                              ->U.S. Robotics


                                                              ->Brand Rex

                                                              ->Allied Telesyn

        Projection of structured networks

      We project and realize structured networks which represent architectures of low current cables, modern and reliable solutions for transmission of voice and data. Realized by hierarchical levels, the networks are structured on phtsical levels (horizontal, vertical and interconnections). To implement the network is very easy, we use UTP / FTP copper cables and optic fiber. Supplemented with different active equipments (hubs, switches, routers, and so on), the network allow the access to public and private services, offer the access to a large ammount of facilities, creating an unitary system of digital transmissions.







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